
Housing and Educational Opportunity: Characteristics of Local Schools Near Families with Federal Housing Assistance

Jul 1, 2018
Poverty and Race Research Action Council, NYU Furman Center, and UMass Boston
This report compares the profile of the schools accessible to HUD-assisted and LIHTC households in 2016 to the profile of those accessible to other similar households within the same state or metropolitan area.

Evaluation of the Student and Family Stability Initiative

Case study
Jun 25, 2018
Martha M. Galvez, Amanda Gold, and Sara McTarnaghan
The King County Housing Authority (KCHA), in partnership with the Highline School District and the nonprofit social service organization Neighborhood House, launched the Student and Family Stability Initiative (SFSI) pilot program in 2013 to provide housing and employment supports to homeless and un

Bridging the Opportunity Divide for Low-Income Youth: Implementation and Early Impacts of the Year Up Program

May 1, 2018
David Fein and Jill Hamadyk for Abt Associates
Our initial report—which followed participants around the country over three years—found, among other things, that Year Up increased participants’ average quarterly earnings by more than 50 percent.