Affordable Care Act
Current Flexibility in Medicaid: An Overview of Federal Standards and State Options
Current Flexibility in Medicaid: An Overview of Federal Standards and State Options
Healthcare and Housing (H2) Initiative: Model Strategies
Healthcare and Housing (H2) Initiative: Model Strategies
Managed Care

This community seeks to bring together a wide array of stakeholders connected to managed care organizations (MCOs), primarily those administering Medicaid and Medicare benefits (including Special Needs Plans), to facilitate greater understanding of the role managed care plays in individuals' lives and the greater community as well as facilitate smart cross-sector partnerships with MCOs.
CSH/CLPHA/UHC Aligning Housing & Healthcare Cohort

Connecting grantees of the CSH/CLPHA/UnitedHealthcare planning grant, funded by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, that seeks to align public housing authorities (PHAs) and Medicare managed care organizations (MCOs) in three states -- Ohio, Texas, and Washington State -- at the system, program, and individual level.
2018 CLPHA Housing Is Summit - Video Recordings
2018 CLPHA Housing Is Summit - Video Recordings
The Council of Large Public Housing Authorities (CLPHA) hosted The Housing Is Summit in Washington, D.C., on May 3-4, 2018 with 200 partners across the housing, education, and healthcare sectors. The Summit highlighted the ways that we can transform systems to better serve low-income people with two days of plenary speakers/panels, breakout sessions, and caucus discussions geared toward intersectional thinking and ways to take action.