About Our Community
The purpose of the CLPHA Tenant-Based Housing Assistance Committee is to provide membership input on policy, program and funding issues pertaining to tenant-based housing assistance that are of interest and importance to the CLPHA membership. The committee will play a lead role in forming CLPHA’s policy positions and priorities as CLPHA considers what is needed for the voucher program to most effectively and efficiently ensure that voucher holders can access safe and affordable housing. Committee members will share their expertise on the voucher program with CLPHA staff as specific questions or issues arise and will provide input on relevant policy matters to CLPHA’s board of directors. CLPHA staff will provide administrative support to the committee and peer-to-peer learning and networking opportunities for its members to share information regarding operational and programmatic best practices.
Committee Chair: Maria Razo, Executive Director at Housing Authority of the County of San Bernardino
Committee Members: CLPHA member housing authorities can designate the executive director, senior management or program staff to serve on the committee.
Committee Sharepoint Site - all meeting agendas, files, notes, recordings, and resources will be posted on the Sharepoint site. If you're prompted to sign in, use your work email account's credentials that you use to sign into Microsoft Outlook / Office 365.
The committee meetings at least three times per calendar year and as needed to advise the CLPHA board and staff. To invite CLPHA members to join the TB Housing Assistance Committee, email jbeverly@clpha.org.