
CLPHA Housing Is Summit 2022: Designing and Implementing Programs with Residents and Families at the Center

Jun 17, 2022
Housing providers are uniquely positioned to find innovative and meaningful ways to engage residents with lived experience in program design and implementation to ensure investments are focused, efficient, and culturally appropriate.

CLPHA Housing Is Summit 2022: Taking FSS to Scale - Lessons from Compass' Partnerships in Boston and Cambridge

Jun 17, 2022
This panel discussion will examine the results of efforts to significantly expand the reach of HUD’s Family Self-Sufficiency Program through partnerships between the nonprofit Compass Working Capital and the Boston and Cambridge Housing Authorities.

CLPHA Housing Is Summit 2022: Working with School Districts and School Data

Jun 17, 2022
This session will review the extent to which local jurisdictions engaged with school districts in the 2016-17 Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing (AFFH) process and preview the potential for PHAs to engage with school districts and school data in the upcoming renewal of the HUD AFFH process.

United We Learn: Honoring America’s Racial and Ethnic Diversity In Education

Oct 21, 2021
Aspen Institute
State and local policymakers are making consequential decisions about the treatment of race and racism in schools. It is crucial, right now, to slow down, consider the evidence from research and experience, and apply that knowledge to improve teaching about race and racism.

Time for a Game-Changing Summer, With Opportunity and Growth for All of America’s Youth

May 19, 2021
For many students, summer is a time for family vacations, new friendships, new adventures in camps and summer learning programs, or taking summer classes to catch up or get ahead in school. For families, affordable summer programs and camps can be a lifeline.

Advancing a new wave of urban competitiveness: The role of mayors in the rise of innovation districts

Jun 20, 2017
Julie Wagner for BROOKINGS
Over the past year, the United States Conference of Mayors and the Brookings Institution, along with the Project for Public Spaces have worked together to capture a new model of growth that is emerging in cities and the particular roles that mayors can play. This handbook offers concrete strategi

Moving Families Forward: Initial Findings from a Two-Generation Program in Bangor, Maine

Sep 20, 2020
Susan Popkin for URBAN INSTITUTE
Since late 2017, the Urban Institute’s Housing Opportunities and Services Together team has partnered with public housing authority BangorHousing and the Boys & Girls Club of Bangor, Maine, in a formative evaluation of Families Forward, a locally designed and funded two-generation program that b

Interventions for youth homelessness: A systematic review of effectiveness studies

Oct 9, 2020
Matthew Morton for CHAPIN HALL
This systematic review synthesizes effectiveness evidence on interventions to prevent and address youth homelessness. Policy and community interventions to prevent and end youth homelessness require a robust evidence base to inform decision-making.