Policy Brief

Safety Planning for Survivors of Domestic and Sexual Violence: A Toolkit for Homeless/Housing Programs

Policy Brief
National Alliance for Safe Housing
It’s no secret that survivors of domestic and sexual violence make up a large percentage of the families and individuals who seek help from the homeless/housing services system. No one expects homeless/housing programs to become an extension of the victim services system.

Homelessness in America: Focus on Youth

Policy Brief
Oct 29, 2018
U.S. Interagency Council on Homelessness
In this Focus on Unaccompanied Youth brief, we review data and information that help us answer the following questions: • What is the scale of youth homelessness? • What do we know about unaccompanied youth who experience homelessness? • What do we know about patterns of homelessness among unacc

Nutrition Supports for Families with Young Children: An Equity-Focused Policy Research Agenda

Policy Brief
Oct 9, 2018
This brief highlights evidence on nutrition supports for families with young children and proposes a policy-focused research agenda designed to address knowledge gaps in two areas: (1) understanding disparities in participation in nutrition supports and (2) assessing strategies to increase access to