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NCAN Announces New Advocacy Grant Opportunity for Members

Council of Large Public Housing Authorities
Washington, District of Columbia

The National College Access Network is pleased to launch this opportunity for our members to engage in advocacy work in higher education policy. Policy decisions at both the federal and state level impact students’ ability to access, pay for, and succeed in college. Our students’ voices, and those of the practitioners who work with them, are powerful avenues to influence policymakers’ decisions at the state level and in Washington, D.C.

The goal of this grant competition is to expand the portion of NCAN members participating in advocacy work. Ideal candidates for this grant are new to the advocacy space and ready to add advocacy work to their broader portfolio of outreach to support their students. Interested members should be familiar with NCAN’s policy goals, available at

Successful applicants will have organizational leadership that recognizes the role of improving federal and state policy to achieve the goal of closing equity gaps in higher education. They will be excited to participate in national conversations and to join a growing group of like-minded peer organizations dedicated to advocacy. Additionally, organizations must be committed to involving students in their outreach.

This grant will provide successful applicants with $11,000 over 10 months to begin their advocacy work. Funds may be used for salary and benefit support, travel requirements for the grant, travel to visit NCAN members with greater advocacy experience, as well as other activities such as consulting, events, publications, and communications. Funds may not be used for lobbying activities.

You can review a PDF version of the grant application here.

-Due Nov. 5, 2019 at 8 p.m. ET-

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