Lifting Up Early School Success Across the Public and Affordable Housing Sector: Spotlight on the Role of National Intermediaries and Associations

Campaign for Grade Level Reading
Chevy Chase, Maryland
Tuesday, October 1, 2019 3:00 pm to 4:30 pm
Register here:

Access to safe, affordable, and stable housing offers more than just a place to live – it provides an opportunity for children families to access two-generation programs, services, supports and resources that lead to improvements in literacy, attendance, and other early school success indicators. More than one million children, ages birth to 8, live in public housing and many more live in affordable housing developments managed by non-profit affordable housing organizations, making these communities a critical platform and portal for promoting early learning and early school success for children in low-income families. 

Join us on October 1, 3:00-4:30p.m. ET for the fourth in the Campaign’s Housing Partner Discussion Series to hear how national intermediaries and associations are supporting, augmenting, and building the capacity of public housing authorities and non-profit affordable housing organizations to integrate literacy, attendance, parent success and other markers of early school success into their work. Through presentations from leaders at the Partnership for Children and Youth, the Council of Large Public Housing Authorities, NeighborWorks America and Stewards for Affordable Housing for the Future, we will explore how this work is taking place both nationally and on the ground and how cross-sector collaborations are achieving success on the local level.  

Campaign for Grade-Level Reading
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