
Welcome to the Postsecondary Community! Collaborate with other group members by posting questions and ideas to the forum. Engage with members by sharing and commenting on resources like articles and reports in the feed. Explore below to learn more about this community.

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Welcome to the Postsecondary Community! Collaborate with other group members by posting questions and ideas to the forum. Engage with members by sharing and commenting on resources like articles and reports in the feed. Explore below to learn more about this community.


Welcome to the Postsecondary Community! Collaborate with other group members by posting questions and ideas to the forum. Engage with members by sharing and commenting on resources like articles and reports in the feed. Explore below to learn more about this community.

About Our Community

This community is a space for Housing Is members interested in College & Post-Secondary Opportunities. Use the features in this community to discuss programs and policies, post research and reports, publicize events, share case studies and best practices, seek input and feedback from fellow members, and connect with others working on college initiatives.

Community Manager

Abra Lyons-Warren
Council of Large Public Housing Authorities
Washington, District of Columbia
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