
This community is a space for Housing Is members interested in youth. Low-income youth face unique challenges and opportunities as their families move towards self-sufficiency through housing assistance; some youth are experiencing homelessness or are independent from guardians.

Found 12 resources.
Policy Brief Mon, 04/05/2021

Summer programs can be essential supports for equitable recovery and accelerating learning. Summer learning programs have the power to be a game changer for youth. Programs can help students re-connect with peers and caring adults, re-engage in learning, and accelerate students’ social, emotional, and academic recovery.
Early childhood, Education, Grade-level proficiency, Low-income, Out-of-school time, School-readiness, Youth
Shared by Housing Is on Apr 6, 2021
Policy Brief Mon, 04/05/2021

Summer programs can be essential supports for equitable recovery and accelerating learning. Summer learning programs have the power to be a game changer for youth. Programs can help students re-connect with peers and caring adults, re-engage in learning, and accelerate students’ social, emotional, and academic recovery.
Early childhood, Education, Grade-level proficiency, Low-income, Out-of-school time, School-readiness, Youth
Shared by Housing Is on Apr 6, 2021
Report Tue, 12/01/2020

420,000. Based on the new report, "Lost in the Masked Shuffle & Virtual Void: Children and Youth Experiencing Homelessness Amidst the Pandemic" from SchoolHouse Connection and Poverty Solutions at the University of Michigan, that’s how many fewer children and youth experiencing homelessness have been identified and enrolled by schools so far this school year. According to our data and insights - gathered from educators and homeless liaisons across 49 states - the number of children, youth, and families experiencing homelessness has likely increased due to the economic crisis. Yet, because of COVID-19 challenges in identifying children and youth experiencing homelessness, hundreds of thousands may not be getting the education and support they need - from internet access, to housing, to food, to child care. What’s more, only 18% of respondents indicated that federal coronavirus relief education funding provided by the CARES Act is being used to meet the needs of students experiencing homelessness. To break generational cycles of homelessness, we must take swift action to support the increasing number of children, youth, and families in need. Check out our report to learn more and take action. We have included recommendations for Congressional leaders, state and local educational agencies, homeless, housing, food, and other relief agencies, and philanthropic organizations.
Attendance, Child welfare, Early childhood, Education, Funding, Health, Homelessness, Low-income, Stability, Youth
Shared by Housing Is on Dec 1, 2020
Report Tue, 11/03/2020

As housing costs have escalated and inequities persist across the country, many young people need flexible, empowerment-based investments to get stably housed and onto a path to thriving. To this end, direct financial assistance (“cash transfers”) with other supports offer a promising solution grounded in a robust global evidence base. The circumstances of COVID-19 amplify the importance of developing and evaluating youth-informed approaches to doing things differently. This report shares results and implications of a year-long research and stakeholder engagement process that Chapin Hall conducted in collaboration with Point Source Youth to inform the development of a Direct Cash Transfer Program (DCTP) for youth experiencing homelessness. We look forward to piloting and rigorously evaluating a program based on these findings, starting in NYC.
Author/Publisher: Matthew Morton for CHAPIN HALL AT THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO
Community development, Funding, Homelessness, Housing, Low-income, Youth
Shared by Housing Is on Nov 3, 2020
News Article Thu, 02/01/2018

Chicago’s troubling homicide rate could be significantly reduced through a massive increase in state spending for Chicago schools. That's just one of the proposals floated Monday by a prominent University of Chicago economist Jens Ludwig. With a substantial commitment, he says homicides could be reduced by nearly 60 percent. Illinois is dead last when it comes to the percentage of education dollars provided by the state to its cities. Ludwig believes adding $1.7 billion dollars would not only bring Illinois up to the national average, but could substantially reduce gun violence as well. Given the social science evidence on the link between high school graduation and gun violence, that would be about a 30 percent decrease in the homicide rates in the city of Chicago for something that has absolutely nothing to do with the city of Chicago policies.
Author/Publisher: FOX 32 CHICAGO
Child welfare, Community development, Education, Funding, Legislation & Policy, Preventative care, Youth
Shared by Housing Is on Oct 15, 2020
News Article Thu, 06/29/2017

One Summer Chicago Plus is a jobs program designed to reduce violence and prepare youth living in some of the city’s highest-violence neighborhoods for the labor market. This study was carried out over the summer of 2013 in partnership with the Chicago Department of Family and Support Services. It found that the program, which provided a six-week, minimum-wage job for 25 hours a week, reduced the number of violent-crime arrests for participants by 33 percent over the subsequent year. The One Summer Chicago Plus 2013 study—accompanied by a long-term follow-up of the 2012 program—closely examines the two to three years following the six-week program and finds that the reduction in violent-crime arrests is not driven simply by keeping participants off the streets during the summer. In fact, the decline in violence remains significant when the summer is ignored entirely. Researchers did find, however, that the program had no significant impacts on schooling outcomes or engagement, nor did it have a positive impact on formal labor sector employment for all of the participants after the fact. The authors do note that it is possible that significant labor market effects will develop past the three-year window examined in the study.
Child welfare, Community development, Criminal justice, Out-of-school time, Partnerships, Preventative care, Safety, Youth
Shared by Housing Is on Oct 15, 2020
Report Mon, 11/04/2019

The ninth in a series of Research-to-Impact briefs by Chapin Hall at the University of Chicago on understanding and addressing youth homelessness. For the 4.2 million adolescents and young adults who experience some form of homelessness, opportunities to develop and realize their educational aspirations are often disrupted. Missed Opportunities: Education Among Youth and Young Adults Experiencing Homelessness in America highlights research on the intersection between youth homelessness and educational disruption. We learned that young people experiencing family instability and trauma are at increased risk for unstable living situations and interrupted educational experiences. Youth who leave school before graduation were considerably more likely to experience homelessness. Likewise, youth and young adults who experience homelessness were less likely to enroll in college. If we strengthen our educational supports and youth homelessness systems, we can do more than stop missing opportunities; we can ensure that our youth thrive and meet their full potential.
Attendance, Education, Homelessness, Post-secondary, Youth
Shared by Housing Is on Oct 15, 2020
Public schools identified more than 1.3 million children and youth experiencing homelessness and enrolled in school at some point in the 2016-2017 school year.1 These numbers do not reflect the total number of children and youth who experience homelessness in the United States.
Author/Publisher: Katie Brown and Barbara Duffield for SchoolHouse Connection, Caitlyn R. Owens for North Carolina State University
Shared by Mica O'Brien on Nov 14, 2018
News Article Thu, 11/01/2018
Many youth experiencing homelessness report avoiding shelters because they don’t feel safe there or can’t relate to the older adults, but they often don’t have another option. It’s a problem that many jurisdictions are working to correct, understanding that although homeless youth and homeless adults have similar needs, reaching these young people may require different spaces and different strategies.
Author/Publisher: Serena Lei for How Housing Matters
Shared by Mica O'Brien on Nov 1, 2018
Policy Brief Mon, 10/29/2018
In this Focus on Unaccompanied Youth brief, we review data and information that help us answer the following questions: • What is the scale of youth homelessness? • What do we know about unaccompanied youth who experience homelessness? • What do we know about patterns of homelessness among unaccompanied youth? • What do we know about youths’ risks for experiencing homelessness? • What are the most significant gaps in available data and our current understanding of unaccompanied youth who experience homelessness?
Author/Publisher: U.S. Interagency Council on Homelessness
Shared by Mica O'Brien on Nov 1, 2018
Report Tue, 07/10/2018
HUD Administrative Data Linked with the National Health Interview Survey
Asthma, Attendance, Child welfare, Early childhood, Education, Grade-level proficiency, Health, Healthy homes, Home visiting, Housing, Lead, Literacy, Low-income, Medicaid / Medicare, Preventative care, Research, School-readiness, Stability, Vision, Youth
Shared by Steve Lucas on Jul 10, 2018
News Article

Education, Housing, Low-income, Post-secondary, Racial inequalities, South, Youth
Shared by Housing Is on Apr 27, 2017